The Bear is renowned as a devoted and protective mother and early cultures in Finland, Siberia, and Korea saw the bear as the spirit of their forefathers. Artemis was worshipped in ancient Greece, and was known as a protector of pre-pubescent girls, where through an initiation ceremony on the shrine at Brauron girls would imitate the bear in a wild dance called the ‘Brauronia’. The bear also features in the night sky as star constellations known as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, or the Greater Bear and the Lesser Bear. In ancient mythology, Hera turned Callisto into a Bear on hearing of her infidelity with her husband Zeus. Callisto was later confronted by her son while hunting, unaware that the bear was his mother, Zeus intervened and saved them both by making them star constellations, Callisto as Ursa Major and Arcus, Ursa Minor. Pagan mythology in Russia, depicted the bear as master of the forests. The Bear Dactyl reflects the ancient mythology as protector against foe. Its strength is essential to forging new frontiers and establishing colonies in space. Its connection with the stars enables navigation through the galaxies.
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