
Charlotte Gould develops playful open interactive installations in public space

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"Hekateris Dance" on Vimeo.

Hekateris Dance

Charlotte Gould

Animation: Adobe Mixamo Audio: Sci Fi by Benjamin Tissot Bensound Royalty Free Music


The Lizard Dactyl

The Lizard Dactyl, like its ancestor is a sun lover, and because of this it became associated through ancient mythology to spiritual enlightenment. In ancient Greece, the lizard appealed to Apollo to achieve eternal light. Egyptian myth aligned the lizard to divine wisdom and good fortune as a symbol of fertility. In Roman myth the lizard represented death and resurrection as it hibernates during the winter and of renewal as they shed their skin. Native American tribes’ associate lizards with healing and with medicinal qualities representing survival, protection, prosperity, and good luck. In Native American mythology, Evaki the Night Goddess took the lizard’s ability to sleep and gave it to other animals, so developed a reputation of restlessness and tiredness. The lizard dactyl is industrious and can go for many hours without sleep. It was engineered for agility, able to contradict the laws of gravity, it can scale vertical surfaces and manoeuvre between tight crevasses. The lizard dactyl’s hardy disposition and ability to sustain extreme heat is well suited to exploring new terrain and establishing new habitats for the space colony on Mars. Its ability to shed its skin enables rejuvenation and healing.  



Hekateris Dance Lizard Dactyl.pdf


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